Biological Services
Due Diligence / Feasibility Studies / Natural Resource Evaluations
Biological Inventories - General and Focused Habitat Assessments
Wetland and Stream Jurisdictional Delineations
Regulatory Permit Processing (Clean Water Act Sections 401 and 404, Regional Board
Waste Discharge Requirements, Fish and Game Code Section 1602) -
Endangered Species Permits (Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 and
Section 10 Permits
and California Endangered Species Act Section 2080.1 and 2081 Permits) -
Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) &
Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Compliance -
Vegetation / Sensitive Habitat Mapping
Focused Plant and Wildlife Surveys
Nesting Bird Plans and Clearance Surveys
Construction and Mitigation Monitoring
Re-vegetation & Restoration Planning
Resource Management Plans / Adaptive Management Plans
Conservation / Mitigation Banking
California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Analyses