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Biological Services

  • Due Diligence / Feasibility Studies / Natural Resource Evaluations

  • Biological Inventories - General and Focused Habitat Assessments

  • Wetland and Stream Jurisdictional Delineations

  • Regulatory Permit Processing (Clean Water Act Sections 401 and 404, Regional Board
    Waste Discharge Requirements, Fish and Game Code Section 1602)

  • Endangered Species Permits (Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 and 
    Section 10 Permits
    and California Endangered Species Act Section 2080.1 and 2081 Permits)

  • Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) &
    Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Compliance 

  • Vegetation / Sensitive Habitat Mapping 

  • Focused Plant and Wildlife Surveys 

  • Nesting Bird Plans and Clearance Surveys 

  • Construction and Mitigation Monitoring 

  • Re-vegetation & Restoration Planning 

  • Resource Management Plans / Adaptive Management Plans 

  • Conservation / Mitigation Banking 

  • California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Analyses 

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